Check out the recent attack on bitcoin from the proof of stake dweebs. "Cointelegraph" article is spreading the usual environmental FUD on bitcoin mining and that "regulation is coming". then u click on the author and see that its the co-founder of IOTA, another proof of stake shitcoin that has premined and issued its own coin like the 3rd rate penny stock that it is...bitcoin magazine should do a retort and explain that yes regulation is coming but that its likely coming for PoS and the other penny stock shitcoin securities. The environmental FUD is the biggest con when you realize that bitcoin mining is driving/incentivizing more renewable energy and solving grid problems
Check out the recent attack on bitcoin from the proof of stake dweebs. "Cointelegraph" article is spreading the usual environmental FUD on bitcoin mining and that "regulation is coming". then u click on the author and see that its the co-founder of IOTA, another proof of stake shitcoin that has premined and issued its own coin like the 3rd rate penny stock that it is...bitcoin magazine should do a retort and explain that yes regulation is coming but that its likely coming for PoS and the other penny stock shitcoin securities. The environmental FUD is the biggest con when you realize that bitcoin mining is driving/incentivizing more renewable energy and solving grid problems