36.7K now...give me 29-30K BTC and 15$ MARA and my ongoing accumulation will be complete, at which point im heading off into the wilderness for about 6 months with no electronics or internet -- upon return ill find either millions or destruction but ill be too zenned out to care.

alexa play get rich or die trying. yes alexa, the whole album

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ok f**k it im back on here with a paid sub despite you fudding my MARA bags (im still accumulating. catching the falling knives.gif). i gotta give it up to yung Dylan for the clearheadedness youve shown these 2 months. if you were paying attention to this kid, you wouldve taken measures when he started giving DXY based warnings back in late November ....

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Excellent work again Dylan. Keep up the analysis, you’re top of the game and we plebs appreciate all you do for the community.

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jpow has things to think about.

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at the very least some verbal walkbacks are due from sour faced Jerome next week -- unless he just doesnt give a $hit anymore now that Fed officials cant trade/hold stocks. everyone said these new limits on fed officials would make them more impartial but i always liked them having skin in the game...at the end of the day, humans are ruled by basic incentives and lowest common denominators

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