Really appreciate you analysis.Well worth the Sub!

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Well written

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Eusebio JR Perez Colon,Born On December,22,1955. In San Juan Puerto Rico. [{( Law Professor,Attorney Lawyer,Juris Doctor )}] Lcdo. Perez Att. My Signature Eusebio JR Perez Colon

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which hard wallet you recommend

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Hello Dylan

Since GBTC selling at a discount . Is it a safe investment . Anychancee that it may liquidate and lose value . Please advise

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Hi dylan waiting for reply. advise will really help

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Thank you, especially for the TradingView liquidity charts! Been trying to figure these out.

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thank you, brilliant follow-up. Is there any large liquidity item you may be ignoring in the global net liquidity equation? treasury accounts of the other major governments are negligible? do they have other major liquidity valve mechanisms such as the RRP in the US? or are the rest negligible compared to the size of RRP (2T USD) and TREASURY (500B USD)? I found that Chinese government treasury account was in the order of 2T USD at the end of 2022 (seems relevant for the equation as an absorber of liquidity as the impact is as large as changes in RRP and even more than changes in the US Treasury account at the Fed)

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