hello, thanks again for the insight, this is really interesting. I would have a stupid question regarding the Basis cost STH/LTH ratio. I do not get why the ratio grows when the LTH cost basis increases? Shouldn't it be the opposite? Would you be able help me understand? Thanks

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The name can be misleading. The ratio is calculated as LTH Realized Price (cost basis) over STH Realized Price.

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Hi Sam, thank you for your answer. Sorry to be a pain but I would have a second question, as I try to understand one of the sentence relative to funding rates: " During the spring of 2021, bullish perpetual swaps traders were paying annualized rates of up to as high as 100% of their notional position size to remain long."

To me Funding Fee is calculated as follows:

Funding Fee = Position Value x Funding Rate

Position Value = Quantity of Contract/Mark Price


Trader A holds a long position of 10,000 BTCUSD contracts and the Mark Price is 8,000 USD at the funding timestamp with the current funding rate at 0.15% which is the maximum aggregated rate we had in Feb 2021.

Position Value = 10,000/8,000 = 1.25 BTC

Funding Fee = 1.25 BTC x 0.15% = 0.0015 BTC

Even on an annual basis I fail to understand how it matches wit the notional.

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i do not like hte pdf version. it's prettier but less useful.

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Good feedback. We will offer both Substack option and PDF going forward.

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